Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Stuck behind a firewall?

Are you stuck behind a corporate or school firewall that prevents you from getting to sites you want to visit?

Don't want to have to logon with a user name and password to be able to browse, and don't want to leave traces?

Sick of corporate spies or school gestapo agents looking at their logs watching what site you have been to etc?

Well want no more, the reason these fascists can block sites and view logs of the sites you have been to and how long you spend on the internet each day browsing is because they are using a proxy server.

A proxy server is a means of control, I won't go into detail of what proxy servers can do, just do a search and you will find out.

But ironically, your freedom is to use a proxy server.

The proxy server which is FREE and easy to set up is called Proxomitron and you can get it from here, Proxomitron

You install and run this on your home computer.

Then at work/school you go into your browsers proxy settings configuration page and enter your home IP address and the port number you used.

It looks like this,

It is easy enough to set up, but here are the main things to look for,

I use port 22 as nearly all corporate or school systems allow port 22 alone. Port 22 is for SSH. This also gives you the added benefit of connecting to your proxy through using FreeSSHd.

Port 443 might also work.

This works a treat for me.

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